Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Introductory Paragraph

What does one do when their aspirations clash with their determinations? When one's self-imposed image of themselves collides with the realization that they are not the mask they wish to be? When I'm old, and if I'm the famous, inspiring, kind, adorable, respectful diplomat that I imagine to lie at the center of my very being, can I look back on this blog as an appropriate beginning to the legend that is my life?

No? Yes? I best play it safe, then, and not make a blog at all. I'll leave it up to chance and circumstance to decide how I will enter the world. Will I be born under a new star of Bethlehem? Will I amaze crowds as secret powers suddenly manifest in the enigmatic but quiet figure nobody suspected but everyone respected? Or will I work my way up from the bottom of the line, creating the inspiring story of a man who went from zero to hero, all because of his will to help people?

Is a blog, an internet blog which anyone can do, the best way to publicly begin my life quest to become the hero of Earth? Or is it a folly, to deny one's self admittance to the world because they want to be invited backstage first?


Today was pretty good. I logged in only for a short time for Limbus, an activity involving around a dozen people, killing monsters and collecting rewards as in any MMORPG. The details are complicated, sure, but all you need to understand is that it's really no different than an after-school club getting together at a park and playing baseball. The details are different, yes, but the premise is the same. Have fun with people you like to be around.

And I did have fun. Sexy fun. We make a lot of sexy jokes and innuendo. It's relaxing, in a way, because I don't have many people to talk to about this kind of stuff. My family would understand, sure, but it's more awkward than relaxing. It's fun with my friends.

I didn't get any rewards save for a few ancient beastcoins, but that's fine. I did get a special hat for my Black Mage the day before, completing the set, so I'm psyched for the week in terms of rewards. I like this hat.

I bought myself a pendant too, which augments my magical powers when I'm low on mana. It was rather pricey, but I've been saving up for nothing to buy, so I just did it. I need to start hoarding again, though. I don't like being low on money.

I started this blog incidentally after a friend in that Limbus run showed me HER blog, so I decided to try my hand at it. I probably won't get past the first week.


I overslept today. Well, I fell asleep at 10:00 in the morning and woke up at 2:00 in the afternoon, more like. My cat is sick, so I've been tending to him all night. He seems a little better today, I went to the pet store and replaced his dishes with stainless steel ones that don't attract bacteria, and got him some catnip for when he gets better. He's still very sluggish though, and not eating much. I'm worried about diabetes. He's a rather chubby black and white tabby cat at about 8 years old, but the fat looks to be the saggy kind. He's been mistaken for pregnant before. I'm gonna get him to a vet later this week.

I've no idea what I'm gonna do for the rest of the day though. I guess I'll look up relaxation techniques online, my therapist suggested it a week ago, and I've an appointment tomorrow. Better get on that.

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